What a crock of shit.
Some of the CGI was good, but I fell asleep.
Terminator Salvation
- Posts: 634
- Joined: Mon 7 Jan 2008 7:22 pm
- Location: Dublin /Ireland the land of an calline baine
Re: Terminator Salvation
lol you should asked us all first yeah the film is pretty useless even arnie done a small apperance but it was pretty brutal so their was no point to him been in it !
- Posts: 634
- Joined: Mon 7 Jan 2008 7:22 pm
- Location: Dublin /Ireland the land of an calline baine
Re: Terminator Salvation
lol you should asked us all first yeah the film is pretty useless even arnie done a small apperance but it was pretty brutal so their was no point to him been in it !
Re: Terminator Salvation
Arnie didn't really make an appearance. It was CGI and it was blatent.
Re: Terminator Salvation
yeah i think they have had their day now terminator sequels..... terminator 2 is still the best i reckon
proper geezer AVE IT init
- BlacKBlazE
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Re: Terminator Salvation
I think the 3rd one is the best.

- PooNTaNG
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Re: Terminator Salvation
Films utter wank, Christian Bale just growls alot, and the game ON 360.... FUCK ME KILL ME NOW!
"If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is...poontang." - Animal Mother, Full Metal Jacket