I Am Number Four follows the story of John Smith, a 15-year old alien from the planet Lorien, and his guardian, Henri, as they run from the Mogadorians, another race of aliens that are hunting down John and the eight other teenage Loriens, who all make up the Garde, living on Earth. The Garde consists of all Loriens who have special Legacies and powers. The teenagers are protected by a charm, which only allows them to be killed in a set order. John is Number Four. Both the Loriens and Mogadorians have a human appearance.
This film is a hit and miss for me basically ACTION = Good SOPPY SHIT ALL THE WAY THROUGH = Bad
if you don't like lovey dovey shit i'd avoid if you can just about handle it then you'll enjoy it because the
fight scenes are pretty good and there are loads of dodgy shit going on it
I am number 4
- BlacKBlazE
- Posts: 5093
- Joined: Sun 19 Nov 2006 8:32 pm
- Xfire Username: blackblaze4494
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