Double check to make sure RAM is compatible with whatever mobo you get
well that ram is ddr3 ...but it was the sandybridge thing that threw me.......... ive seen the gigabyte stuff growing in popularity over the past couple of years... and all my asus boards ive has either get obsolite very quickly... or die ill do that i thing and save a few quid...put it towards something else ..good call skell cheer
sparksy wrote:ive seen the gigabyte stuff growing in popularity over the past couple of years...
I know I was joking about my Duron 950 earlier but I remember bloody well that I bought a Gigabyte board way back then. Never had any issues, worked perfectly and lasted years. Cost me naff all either.
I would (in my limited knowledge) happily buy a gigabyte board for any rig I was contemplating. Plus, if they use them at places like cyberpowersystems (which they do) you know they can't be bad. They have a reputation to keep.
"USP'd in the face from miles away Peter. You should be embarrassed." - Floodie 13/03/2012
Only thing to be wary about is that Gigabyte hasn't done any testing with that specific RAM although they have other Kingston 4GB RAM modules listed which work fine so you should be alright.
Power supply will be fine as long as you don't add a second graphics card.
ill also need a new keyboard mouse and speakers... looking at around £1200 now
Only thing to be wary about is that Gigabyte hasn't done any testing with that specific RAM although they have other Kingston 4GB RAM modules listed which work fine so you should be alright.
well its 1600 which in the guff on that board it says is ok... also says the ram is ideal whith sandybridge blahh blahh... which the cpu is... maybe i should just get a dell hay
sparksy wrote:
well its 1600 which in the guff on that board it says is ok... also says the ram is ideal whith sandybridge blahh blahh... which the cpu is... maybe i should just get a dell hay
Mate, seriously with £1200 you can just order something and skip all the fucking about! Go on cyberpowersystems and get one built. You can get a free upgrade from a GTX560Ti to 570 at the moment as well.
I configured a mental spec on there with 128gb SSD boot drive, 8GB ram, core i7 2600K (or whatever it is) plus the 570 for well under £1200 notes and that included a 24" monitor and windows 7.
"USP'd in the face from miles away Peter. You should be embarrassed." - Floodie 13/03/2012
Go on and create an account. Create the configuration you want and save it. Make sure you put in your email address and phone number. First thing they do is ring you up usually within one day to see if you "have any questions" about the spec you made. Then if you wait a few days you often get an email offering 3% off. OK so its not much but £30 buys you a nice new game to play on your nice new system
If I had the balls, I would add a monitor and windows to that setup Skel has done and take a 36 month finance. I would love to be able to boot that up from the comfor of my char. I just can't justify the commitment and the extra cost
Mind you. I finish paying for my laser eye surgery in December. That has cost me £144 p/m for 10 months. Another 10 months of that and I'd have £1.44K for a comp
"USP'd in the face from miles away Peter. You should be embarrassed." - Floodie 13/03/2012
skeletor wrote:Sparks already has a copy of Windows so that isn't a problem, monitor really comes down to whether you need a new one or want to upgrade.
I stay away from finance deals, with the exception of a mortgage, if you can't afford it straight away don't buy it.
I don't have windows or my own monitor was what I meant.
I wouldn't get a finance either really. The 10 month finance is 10% more (just wait, save for 10 months and buy something either newer or the same for less (theoretically) and the 36/48 month options always cost an absolute fortune!
"USP'd in the face from miles away Peter. You should be embarrassed." - Floodie 13/03/2012