MGS I was mad on. That game.skeletor wrote:Some people were obsessed with C&C/Metal Gear Solid.
I was into the old PC though so when I turned up to school with a magazine that had a review of half life opposing force nobody had any idea what it was. Muppets. That's why FF and MGS were so popular, they were on the PSX. Also C&C came out on it as well, was it red alert then Tiberium Sun? I have no idea how anyone used to play an RTS with a shitty PSX controller! Imagine Starcraft 2 lol.
I played a shed load of actiony type games on the playstation and didn't really get into the whole RPG thing till a bit later on. After Deus Ex sparked my interest that was when I started trying some more RPG's. I guess if Final Fantasy was a new game now, or if I had played a couple more RPG's back then, ten I may have tried it.
So is there one that you could pick up and play having never touched any of them before?