Seems many are impressed with P35...fact is Intel a have put a huge amount of work into X38 over P35 for over clocking, so much so they have designated the chipset as unique away from the 35 this chipset is the first purpose build over clocking monster we will see from them....for one I can NOT WAIT!!
PCIE 2.0, dual 16X, enhanced FSB and latency tweaking with a much improved memory controller all lead to a platform Intel hopes will destroy the enthusiast market...I for one know some have already run SLI on this chipset and seen 8 to 10% gains in speed over 680i with first revision silicon, so its looking real good for when NV give in and grant Intel a full SLI lisence
Late August is when the boards will if you can just wait a little longer and resist P35 you will have what looks to be the fastest platform available this year.
X38 FTW!!