Hmmm another USA attacks? sounds a litle odd, last time the closed down "TPB" they jsut got pwned and "TPB" went up running some days later but who knows the webhotel is located in Canada, but Canadas aint a USA-state? and still the demonoid guy can just move to another webhotel in some other country, this wont make a big diference i think.
Yes, of course they will, they have just closed down one network, but when they will focus on some other nwtwork they wil have to let their eyes of demonoid and when they do that demonoid will just recreate a newsite and at that point they will ask other sites as the pirate bay to help them geting started, make some publicity for their new name, so they can get a good start and get the old members to join their new domain etc.
Im just saying good luck for USA and Canada to decrease the illegal download, they will need it... and some more rescources.
The Pirate Bay are sueing various different companies. The Pirate Bay are actually in the right according to the Swedish law on piracy so they should actually win.
yes, their site only have alot of "links" to files that people themself are uploading, and i think they got one comment on the site thats like "we are not responsible for what any users on this internet site do", they got something in that way. And to make it illegal they hove to make a law that say "no internet sites may have a single fucking link" and that will make it complicated